The Policy Framework being created by Government
The Government of Ghana is restructuring the railway industry so as to eventually provide for increased private sector participation in the delivery of rail transport services.
In November 2008, Government enacted the Railway Development Authority Act which provides for the separation and transfer of Ghana Railway Company Limited (GRCL) infrastructure assets to Ghana Railway Development Authority (GRDA) and the establishment of GRDA as the landlord/developer for rail infrastructure as well as the industry regulator.
In an attempt to attract the needed private sector investments into the rail sector, a World Bank support was used to prepare regulations as well as a business plan and organizational development plan for the Ghana Railway Development Authority (GRDA). These efforts are aimed at putting in place the necessary regulatory and institutional framework towards the revitalizing the railway sector.
As a transitional arrangement, until a private sector operator is brought on-board, the Ghana Railway Company Limited (GRCL) has continued to operate railway services and the shares in Ghana Railway Company Limited (GRCL) is still owned by Government.
Meanwhile, Government in its quest to accelerate the development of railway infrastructure and services in Ghana has created a Ministry of Railways Development from the erstwhile Ministry of Transport. The Ministry is charged with the responsibility to ensure focus and enhance efficiency to rapidly mobilize public/private sector resources for the development of railways to enhance Ghana's socio-economic and environmental development.